I have been on a serious hiatus since my last post. Even though life’s been hectic, there’s really never an excuse to leave you guys high and dry. With that said, I have created a new blog, Hot Mess Mondays, which is dedicated solely to the hottest and messiest celebrity news. Please check it out and comment! Posts will be coming every Monday, and I hope that you will read them!ย 


Bina ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Hot Mess Mondays: Really? I Mean, Really….

What would I do without the GOP? Let’s get it!

1) Todd Akin for being a complete idiot.

Over the weekend, the Missouri GOP congressman decided to open his mouth about rape and pregnancy. According to Akin, if a woman is raped, her body “has ways to shut [pregnancy] down.”

I don’t know what biology class Akin attended, but he must have failed. Even though I don’t have a firm stance on the entire abortion debate (my mind changes with every scenario), I do know that rape can result in pregnancy. I also know that no woman should have to carry their rapist’s child. I sure wouldn’t.


Akin has dug himself into a very deep hole. Mitt Romney and the Republican Party have been bullying encouraging Akin to quit his race for Senate. #AMess

2) Toure for being a little too chocolate.

After using the N-word to describe Mitt Romney’s campaign’s characterization of Obama, MSNBC’s Toure stirred up a lot of media attention and backlash. Now, the debate on race in American politics is getting even more heated.

Although I try to stay away from using the N-word, I don’t mind its use to prove a point. With that said, it’s always going to present an issue when used on the national stage.

Honestly, Americans should just start embracing the fact that they are all racist. I know I have… lol

Side note: I’m well aware that the “e” in Toure’s name has an accent mark. lol ๐Ÿ™‚

3) Shia LaBeouf for agreeing to REAL sex scenes in next flick.

Transformer‘s Shia LaBeouf has agreed to do real sex scenes in his next movie,ย The Nymphomaniac, and media outlets are having a field day.ย It’s already been reported that LaBeouf’s girlfriend of 2 years, Karolyn Pho, broke down into tears after hearing the news. Really Shia? I mean, really…

Read the full story here —>ย Shia LaBeouf in Nymphomaniac

Taking a role like this is a personal choice. The game changes, however, when a significant other is involved. Who really wants to see their “boo” have sex on screen with someone else? #AMess

p.s. Nymphomaniac is being directed by Lars Von Trier, who is known for a number of other sexually explicit films.

4) American Idol for considering Nicki Minaj as a judge.ย 

Rumor has it that Nicki Minaj is in talks to join American Idol, and I don’t understand why. Homegirl can’t sing and can barely rap. The only thing she’s good at is shaking her plastic butt in music videos…

I rest my case.

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Hot Mess: Olympic Edition

With the London Olympics turning every superior athlete into a celebrity, there’s a lot to discuss. Let’s get it!

1) The media for making a fuss over Gabby Douglas’ hair.

When Douglas became the first African American to win the all-around gymnastics gold medal, Black viewers only seemed to focus on the appearance of her hair. As a black woman, I must admit. I did notice that Gabby’s hair was not “did.” With that said, I was not about to provide any commentary on the matter. Homegirl is not only in the Olympics, but she’s also making history. Who cares about her curls?

p.s. I get that Twitter is where people like to “clown” others. But, maybe it’s time we think before we tweet? ย Just sayin’.

2) Anyone giving McKayla Maroney a hard time.

Everyone knows that McKayla is the best female vaulter in the world, but even the best cannot be perfect. McKayla failed to claim the gold medal in the individual women’s vault competition after falling. Poor thing.

Now, people are talking about McKayla’s cold facial expressions. Some have even labeled her a “sore loser” and “brat.”

Am I missing something? If you knew that you were the best, would you be jumping for joy over a silver medal? Absolutely not. There’s nothing wrong with showing a little disgust when things don’t go your way in competition. After all, a true competitor always wants to WIN.

3) Critics of Serena Williams’ victory Crip Walk.

Honestly, if I destroyed another tennis player at the Olympics to win gold, I would dance too. Some people just don’t know when to shut up.

Read the article about Williams’ dancing here –>ย Serena Williams Crip Walk

4) Reporters for bringing certain financial situations to light.

Over the past few days, all I’ve been hearing is how Ryan Lochte’s parents are facing foreclosure and how Gabby Douglas’ mother is in serious debt. I’m sorry, but when did any of this become the public’s business?

I know that both Gabby and Ryan are receiving massive amounts of attention because of the Olympics, but their parents’ troubles are none of our business.

Side note: It’s totally inappropriate for the media to be asking Gabby about her mother’s filing. The girl is sixteen years old. Let her stay sixteen…#AMess

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Hot Mess Mondays: Why They So Ashy?!

There’s a new descriptor in town folks and it’s ASHY! No, not ashy as in white cracked skin or the Gross sisters from The Proud Family. Ashy as in stank, hoodrat, disappointing, incomprehensible, and well….you get the point.

Let’s get it!

1) Beyonce for being another celeb.

I actually do like Beyonce. She’s talented and can sell herย ashy songs to almost anybody. Yet, I’m a little disappointed that she’s hopped onto the celebrity bandwagon with her baby’s name, Blue.

Everyone can pretty much assume that celebrities are going to name their child something “unique.” For what it’s worth, I like Blue Ivy Carter. It’s got a good ring to it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2) Common and Drake for having ashy knuckles.

Does anyone know/care why these two are fighting? Maybe we should just give them some vaseline, so they can grease their knuckles and ย duke it out like men…

p.s. I don’t actually condone physical violence…well, for something as silly as this. lol

3) Jersey Shore for not being ashy enough?

Apparently, Jersey Shore’s ratings were down about 14% from last season’s premiere episode. Some media outlets are starting to wonder if people are getting bored of the show. The more”realistic” drama has cranked down some, making way for some unbelievably questionable storylines.

I admit that I’ll be watching Jersey Shore until it takes a permanent hiatus. Until then, these young Italians could be using a lot less tanning oil.

Side note: The Jersey Shore premiere had roughly 7.6 million viewers. People are definitely still watching. ๐Ÿ˜‰

ALSO, is it just me or does Pauly D look like Vejeta from Dragon Ball Z?!

Pauly D


Sorry, undercover nerd moment….lol

4) Jenny McCarthy for thinking she’s not ashy.

While watching Access Hollywood, I learned that Jenny McCarthy won’t be doing Dancing With The Stars anytime soon. Apparently, the show doesn’t get enough A-listers like her…Am I missing something? Since when was Jenny McCarthy an A-lister?

Someone needs to get off their high horse and moisturize….

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Hot Mess Mondays: I’m Rick Perry and I Approve This Message

Let’s get it!

1) Rick Perry for approving his own message…

Rick Perry is lucky that he’s an attractive man…Otherwise, this ad would be even more questionable. I personally didn’t know that Obama started a war on religion, but it’s nice to learn something new. *Side-eye*

2) Real World casting directors for not doing their jobs.

Sometimes Real World is entertaining, and sometimes it’s not. Last season, the Vegas cast provided me with an undeniable amount of entertainment. This season, however, the San Diego kids just suck. I can’t think of one cast member that is actually fun to watch. Frank is psycho. Ashley, Alex, and Priscilla don’t really add much at all. Sam, Nathan, and Zach are cool, but nothing else. Basically, this season was a fail. Why I continue to watch? I have no idea….

3) Twilight: Breaking Dawn for that insane birth scene.

I’m not really a Twilight fan and have never watched any of the other movies, but surprisingly I liked Breaking Dawn. Well, I did until the pregnancy part at least. For those of you, who have seen the movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Vampires make some disgustingly powerful fetuses.

4) Kristen Stewart for just being a hot mess.

Since we’re on the subject of Twilight, we can talk about how much I hate watching Kristen Stewart. She is so aaaaawkward! Not to mention, she’s a pretty mediocre actress. Why someone decided to cast her as Snow White is beyond me. All I know is that the trailer for Snow White and the Huntsman had me hooked until I saw Stewart’s face….Sigh.

Check out Snow White below!

Love Charlize Theron and Thor! haha ๐Ÿ™‚

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Hot Mess Mondays: Grow Up Bieber!

Okay, I might get some heat for this one, BUT….

1) Justin Bieber for growing into womanhood.

I know that I’ve already put him on this countdown once for this, but I just can’t get over the girlie-faced popstar. When most boys grow up, they get…well…manlier. I don’t know if higher testosterone levels are in Bieber’s future, but one can only hope. After all, it took Zac Efron a while, and he turned out just fine.

Zac Efron

p.s. This will be my last post about Bieber’s look. Poor thing can’t help it.

2) Nicki Minaj for her “new” single featuring Rihanna.

Okay, is it just me, or did Nicki Minaj release “Fly” last year? Radio stations and websites are calling it a new single, and it’s bothering me because I’m pretty sure I was singing this LAST summer. Maybe I’m just a little tired of Ms. Minaj….and her sidekick RiRi.

3. Bishop Eddie Long for being in denial.

Even though his wife has filed for divorce, Eddie Long is choosing to remain optimistic about his marriage. According to Eddie, he and his wife love each other and are not mad at each other…

Yeah right! If any of the black women I know were in the middle of an Eddie Long sex scandal, they would be mad. There’s nothing positive about a cheating husband. And, there’s definitely nothing positive about a cheating husband who is involved with young boys….Side-eye. I won’t judge Bishop Long. I’ll leave that up to his Father.

Note to Men: Women can “forgive” you when things unfold behind closed doors, not in the national news.

4. The creators of New Year’s Eve for making New Year’s Eve.

One can only hope that this movie won’t suck, but alas this is another product of Hollywood…New Year’s Eveย  comes out this Friday, December 9th in theaters.

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Hot Mess Mondays – He No Funny

Let me first apologize to all of you for disappearing. My life is a struggle and there’s nothing I can do about it. Although my roommate and I both have jobs and a new apartment, we’ve been sleeping on the floor for the past week and a half. Not to mention, I’ve had no internet to blog with. Struggles….Nonetheless, I’m back and it’s time to take advantage of this shuttle bus’ wifi. Let’s get it!

1) Tracy Morgan for thinking he’s funny.

Last week, Tracy Morgan became a trending topic on Twitter after making homophobic jokes during his comedy show in Nashville. Apparently, Tracy said something along the lines of stabbing his son if his son turned out to be gay. Honestly, I don’t know what to think about this one. I don’t really care about what Tracy Morgan does or says because he’s NOT funny. That’s the real issue here. Yet, this fool continues to make it in Hollywood…There’s too much talent out there for people like him to be successful in my opinion. But, I guess nothing beats good ol’ shucking and jiving across the camera. Right?

p.s. After Tracy’s anti-gay comments, there’s been debate over whether or not he should be fired from the hit NBC show 30 Rock. I know I don’t like Tracy, but I never want to see anyone lose his/her job. A comedic coach is what would really help with this situation…

2) J. Cole for acting like he’ll be relevant in September.

Every so often, I hear something about the release of J. Cole’s new album under Jay-Z’s Roc Nation label. Although I want to be excited for homeboy, a part of me really could care less. As much as I love J. Cole and his music, I completely understand why Jay-Z might have been getting annoyed with the high yellow rapper. You only have .5 seconds to get your ย five seconds of fame. Thankfully, Mr. Cole actually has talent, so maybe his hype won’t die by September? I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve already moved on to Tinie Tempah. Just sayin….Get it together J.!

3) Britney Spears for having half-off concert tickets.

Now, I don’t know what to think about this one either. Today, my friend sent out an email about Britney Spears’ concert in San Jose. Apparently, tickets are half-off. I never thought I’d see the day when non-nosebleed seats were $45 bucks at a Britney concert. With that said, we all know Britney is not what she used to be. Not to mention, she’s performing in San Jose…I don’t see that city being super excited about an old Popstar. Still love ya Brit Brit!

p.s. I’m so sad I never got those NKOTBSB tickets! Damn.

4) The judges on NBC’s The Voice for telling teen queen Raquel that this was a good vocal. Watch the vid below!

Now, don’t get me wrong. On a good day, Raquel can sing. She can also perform her little butt off. I enjoyed the performance even though it was not music to my ears. I just think the little sunspot needs another couple of years to mature. Team Frenchie!

Speaking of Frenchie Davis, here’s her performance below.

Sigh…Why can’t I be a big black vocal powerhouse? Some dreams just will never come true… lol

Hot Mess Mondays: Oh Look! We Failed To Die. Again…

Hola boys and girls,

It’s been a serious minute since my last post. It’s an absolute struggle out here in these streets. My two friends and I are trying to find an apartment in San Francisco, and quite frankly the search is a…..Witch. It’s okay though, we’re staying positive. I just know that the perfect apartment for us is just around that corner of glory. lol Anyways, enough about me. Let’s get it!

1) Harold Camping for just being a HOT mess.

If you’ve been living under a rock and are unfamiliar with Mr. Camping, then quite honestly it doesn’t really matter now. According to the 89 year old radio host, the world was supposed to end this past Saturday, May 21. However, Saturday has passed and I’m still able to write this blog. So, unless Judgement Day looks like any old day of the week, I’d say that Mr. Camping needs to just shut his trap until the funeral.

2) Anyone who listened to Mr. Camping’s claims.

This is a free country, so everyone has a right to his/her opinions and beliefs. I just hope that people will use better judgment the next time someone predicts the end of the world. I think it’s time that people stop concentrating so much on when the world will end, and just celebrate the time that they have now.

Side note: This morning on the radio I heard that several people euthanized their pets in an attempt to save them from the horrors of this weekend’s non-existent rapture. Sigh….. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

3) Beyonce for being hoodrat.

Throw stones at me if you want for that comment, but homegirl is hoodrat for her new song “Run The World (Girls).” Now, usually, I can tolerate Beyonce’s poor music. Her songs are always fun at parties and in the club. However, her latest single, is just too much of a first-listen whomp.

p.s. Even though Beyonce continues to annoy me with her hot mess songwriting, I will always give credit when credit is due. Beyonce killed her performance at the Billboard Music Awards. Watch below!

Brilliant! She always knows how to sell a song! I’ll probably like this garbage in 2 weeks….lol

4) Lady Gaga for not being as good as Beyonce.

Is it just me or is Lady Gaga’s new music terrible? What happened to the days of “Just Dance,” “Poker Face,” and “Bad Romance.” Lady Gaga’s music had a unique sound, but remained lovable. ย I don’t know what to think of “Born This Way” and “Judas.” They’re just bad Pop songs. Fortunately for Gaga, she will always have her little Monsters to support her. Because we all know that no performance of hers is going to turn “Judas” into a number one single. She’s no Beyonce.

And that concludes Hot Mess Mondays! I’ll try my best to have some new music for you tomorrow. With that said, let’s celebrate life with Britney Spears and Rihanna!

Wanna die now? Yeah, I thought so…..lmao JK JK Kind of? ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Hot Mess Mondays: Obama SUCKS!

At least that’s what some people want us to think. Here are the people who were the biggest messes since my last post.

1) Everyone at FOX news.

After news was heard around the world that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, FOX news thought it best to announce “Obama Bin Laden is Dead!” ย HAHAHAHA Good one FOX….NOT! I’m sorry, but if you even want me to pretend that you are a credible news source, then I’m going to need your entire station to grow up. Honestly, people are asking whether or not this was just a coincidence. But, let’s be real for a moment. Although Obama and Osama sound very similar to each other, I have never once confused the names. In my opinion, if you are making this error, then you want to make this error.

2) Geraldo Rivera for continuing the FOX trend.

Watching Geraldo’s error on FOX news makes me want to cringe. Once again, I get it. The names are similar, but there’s got to be something about the subconscious and/or conscious that’s triggering this nonsense. Get it together Geraldo! Smh…

3) Donald Trump for questioning Obama’s education.

Now, I really like Donald as a TV personality, but this other political Donald is another story. How about you stop questioning the man’s education, and start questioning your own intelligence. Sometimes we ourselves forget how incredibly stupid we sound…..It’s okay to be jealous boo boo. We all know that you wish you looked as good as Obama. ๐Ÿ˜‰

4) 50 cent and his clowns for Osama Bin Laden song.

50 cent’s new youngin’ Hot Rod has released a song called “Osama Bin Laden Is Dead.” How creative…I don’t know how I feel about this one to be honest. Therefore, I won’t be listening to it. I want to avoid another “My president is black. My lambo’s blue” hook.

5) Young Jeezy for being a hot mess two years ago.

Now, Jeezy might be one of the only heifers on this list that isn’t trying to do Obama any harm. However, I still cannot get over the chorus in “My President Is Black.” Please don’t talk about our first black president, and then classically mention cars (that you probably can’t afford) and rims next to him. Thanks!

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Hot Mess Mondays: Good Luck Reese!

It’s been a minute since I’ve written a real Hot Mess Monday post, but I think it’s about time I pick up my blogging habit again. To anyone, who thinks blogging is easy, it’s not! lol Every post takes a lot of thought and care believe it or not, making the whole blogging experience a part time job in itself. Now, that I’m no longer funemployment (side note: praise Him! lol), it’s getting harder and harder to keep this up. Nonetheless, let’s get it!

1) Anybody who is already doubting Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth.

Now, I know that celebrity marriages have a history of not working out, but I think this one actually might make it! For one, Reese’s new hubby, Jim Toth, is technically not a celebrity. Though a big-time ย Hollywood agent, Toth is of little interest to the majority of the American public. I think that’s exactly the type of guy that will work with someone like Reese. Jim Toth has a great career and doesn’t mind giving Reese the spotlight. After all, homeboy is an agent. It’s their job to stay behind the scenes and get zero credit for making huge stars like Reese. lol Anyways, good luck to the newlyweds! I believe. ๐Ÿ™‚

2) Justin Timberlake for not going back to music.

After Justin released his FutureSex/ LoveSounds album, I figured the little sunspot would go back into acting. Justin’s been pretty successful at being taken seriously by Hollywood, having delivered a quality performance in The Social Network. Even though Justin makes for a decent actor, I must say that I am getting a little tired of waiting for him to release a third solo album. Just the other day, I saw a trailer for his latest project and thought to myself “He would be SO much better on a stage singing somewhere….” There’s just something about him that doesn’t scream serious actor to me…So, JT, can you please return to music now??? Thaaaaanks! lol

If you haven’t seen it already, below is the trailer for JT and Mila Kunis’ new movie, Friends with Benefits.

I just can’t take him seriously for too much longer. Can you?

3) Angie Stone for getting arrested.

Who’s Angie Stone??? Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Definitely not a big enough star to be making headlines for arrests.

4) Meagan Good for landing the lead role in “Video Girl.”

On one hand, I am glad that as a black actress Meagan Good continues to find work. On the other hand, I don’t necessarily want to support “Video Girl.” I mean, it’s about a young black girl, who loses herself in the video entertainment industry and drugs. Sigh….I’d rather support Paula Patton in the new Mission Impossible movie. Holla!

Paula Patton

p.s. Let’s hope Mission Impossible 4 isn’t a bust. ๐Ÿ˜‰

5) Whoever is making Teyana Taylor famous.

I’m sorry, but this heifer, in my opinion, should not be all over the blogs. Like who is she? I mean, I remember her on Super Sweet 16 and her flop of a song “Google Me Baby,” which had nobody googling her…I’m just sayin’. How do some people stay in the spotlight? Props to her for doing so. I guess…

p.s. I would’ve put Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan back on this list, but I figured you guys needed to see some fresher faces. ๐Ÿ™‚