No Gold for Robin Hood

At least not domestically….

Over the weekend, Robin Hood premiered on over 3,000  screens in an attempt to stop Iron Man 2‘s powerful run at the box office. However, Downey’s iron proved to be stronger than Crowe’s gold as the usually less valuable metal forced Robin Hood to take the number two spot. Robin Hood made a little over $36 million compared to Iron Man 2’s cool $52 million.

As much as I love Russell Crowe, I am not surprised that Robin Hood came in second. The first Iron Man pretty much guaranteed a successful run for its sequel. Not to mention, it’s hard to predict how Americans will handle dramatic changes to their most beloved characters.

When I first saw Robin Hood‘s domestic numbers, I thought that Universal was going to be in trooooooouble. lol  Fortunately for Universal, Robin Hood did perform well overseas, taking in roughly $74 million. I don’t know how Robin Hood will continue to fare at the box office, but if it can hold its numbers overseas, then maybe it will be okay. Hopefully, the pricey film can just make up for its $200 million budget. However, we can’t forget that Prince of Persia comes out in two weeks, and has the potential to steal some of Robin Hood’s foreign thunder.

Robin Hood leads worldwide box office

**Regardless of how Robin Hood continues to perform stateside, I still want to see this movie! Unfortunately, movie-going can be oh so hard for those of us who are trying to graduate…….

Anyways, if you’ve seen the movie, let me know what you thought! Good? Bad? A combo of both? Leave a comment and let me know. Any insight would be appreciated before I go and spend $10 for a ticket 😉

The New Hollywood Hero Is On A Roll

Remember that post I did about the new type of leading man in Hollywood? Well, it looks like Robert Downey Jr. will continue his “odd” leading man status, considering Iron Man 2 is expected to take in a a whopping $300 million after its debut at the global box office.  Although Downey does not fit the typical mold for a superhero, his charming and hilarious nature can pretty much get him whatever role he wants.  And, after falling from the Hollywood stars for a while due to drugs and jail time, I’m glad to see Downey having so much success these days. He’s a great actor. I saw Iron Man 2 on Friday night, and absolutely loved both it and Downey in it. Iron Man 2 is sure to continue to rake in millions!

All of Downey’s success this weekend causes me to wonder how our other Hollywood heroes will fare. Russell Crowe’s Robin Hood is next up on the chopping block and will give Iron Man 2 some competition next weekend on May 14th. Robin Hood will then be followed by the release Ol’ Jakie boy’s Prince of Persia in two weeks on May 28th. If you’ve been reading, then you already know how I feel about Gyllenhaal’s casting in Prince of Persia. However, only the box office will tell what and who audiences want to see. I hear Robin Hood is good though. Variety’s Justin Chang reports that the film is not as “campy” as its predecessors, but more gritty,  realist, and political. Personally, I’m excited for this fresher approach to a classic story, and cannot wait to see the movie next weekend!

As for Prince of Persia, the overall concept is pretty cool, so I’ll have to go see it…I just hope I get over my disappointment of Jake Gyllenhaal. Maybe he will show some Downey charm? We’ll see. At least the movie poster makes me want to see it.

Also, in case you’re interested, here is a press conference that the cast of Prince of Persia did recently. Even Jerry Bruckheimer, the film’s producer and man responsible for such major successes as Pirates of the Caribbean, is present.

**Below are some other links that may be of interest. Enjoy! 🙂

LA Times – Iron Man 2 is box office gold

Robin Hood

On set with Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe

The New Hollywood Hero

As a film major, I have been taught how to critique a variety of movies, ranging from the most unoriginal to the most extreme and bizarre works imaginable. However, one thing  film school cannot teach is why some movies have massive commercial success and others don’t. That’s something that Hollywood’s little busy bees are constantly trying to figure out as they watch the box office success and failures for each of their films. Because only Lord knows why some of the movies that make it in Hollywood are winners.

Nonetheless, this post is not about the movies, but the actors, more specifically Hollywood’s male stars. It was just today that an article on discussed how Hollywood’s leading men have begun to change. According to the article, instead of casting the typical macho, scruffy guy, Hollywood now seems to be picking cutie pies like Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern) and funnymen like Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) as the new “bad-asses” of the big screen.

Although I understand that these new types of leading men are bringing in the cash, I cannot help, but to long for the continued use of born bad-asses like Gerard Butler and Russell Crowe in movies. Sure, Crowe has a little temper, but his power on the screen is undeniable (one of the reasons why I will be going to see Robin Hood in May). Not to mention, I don’t think that anyone could deny that 300 would be as A-mazing without a lead like Gerard Butler, who naturally exudes testosterone.

Yet, despite the successes of such typical Hollywood hunks, the little bees continue to use strange castings in their honey. Jake Gyllenhaal, for example, will be playing Dastan, the lead in the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which is due for a May 28th release. Personally, I find it appalling that he is the new Prince of Persia. To me, this is a classic case of when Hollywood should have gone with the stereotypical macho hunk instead of the boy-next-door sweetheart. Not only does Jakie boy not look ethnic enough, but he also does not look very bad-ass, which in a film where the main character is supposed to be a courageous hero seems beyond odd.

However, Jakie boy has not been the only face to be miscast in a film. Toby McGuire beat him a few years ago as the new Spiderman. That was by far the worst casting ever, and still, the Spiderman franchise broke several box-office records. With that said, one has to wonder how much of the franchise’s success had to do with the special effects and not Toby. Just saying…..If Hollywood can give us both cool graphics and a bad-ass, then why won’t they just go ahead and do it???

I guess only time will tell which types of Hollywood hunks resonate best with audiences. Personally, I love Robert Downey Jr. as an unusual leading man after hearing about him in Iron Man (I know I’m like the only person not to have seen the movie lol) and seeing him in Sherlock Holmes. As for Ryan Reynolds, I can only remember his goofy performance in Just Friends, but I think I can dig him as Green Lantern. At least he has the height and body-type. Right?

**Check out the pics of Hollywood’s latest heroes to see what I mean….

Gerard Butler - 300 Premier

Butler doesn’t even have to try to be a leading man and hero. That’s just him.

Russell Crowe - Robin Hood

Russell can even make tights look bad-ass. He also seems to be aging rather well. 🙂

Ryan Reynolds - Green Lantern

Although Reynolds stays with the funny expressions on his face (like in this pic), I can buy into him as a superhero. I think…lol But, can someone please give him a new mask??? This one just screams bird beak.

Robert Downey Jr. - Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. definitely does a better job at playing it cool. Even if he’s not the stereotypical Hollywood hunk, his confident demeanor will always give him enough macho appeal to be believable as a superhero.

Jake Gyllenhaal - Prince of Persia

Even though Jakie bulked up for the role, something about this is just not working. His boyish face does not fit with the massive muscle. AND his hair…..

Once again, maybe Hollywood knows something I don’t? OR better yet, maybe someone just has a really really good agent…. 😉

Update: Fox’s Machete, which will be starring our poor Ms. Lohan, is scheduled for a September 3rd release date. Also, Downey’s Iron Man 2 is coming out really soon on May 7th. Here’s the trailer if you haven’t checked it out already.

Iron Man 2 Trailer

We’re Beautiful and Dirty Rich

That’s what Hollywood likes to remind we “peasants” as we stare in awe at its swarms and swarms of celebrities. BUT, if there’s one thing we must all remember, things are not always as they seem…

Example #1: Sandra Bullock and Jesse James

Recently, it’s been brought to the public’s  attention that Sandra Bullock’s husband, Jesse James, has been having a few extracurricular activities, and unlike Bullock’s, they don’t involve acting. Recently, Michelle “Bombshell” McGee went public with the alleged affair she’s been having with James. Although neither James nor Bullock has confirmed the allegations, it can pretty much be assumed that James’ adulterer status is grade-A solid. My heart goes out to Bullock. Public humiliation by a spouse is no bueno, but props to her for not pulling an Elin……

Bullock won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in The Blind Side last month.

Did Sandra Know About Jesse James Affair?

Example #2: Russell Crowe

Earlier today Russell Crowe received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Without a doubt, as the leading man of such films as Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind,  and Cinderella Man, Crowe deserves all his acting glory. However, we peasants must not forget that the same charming Crowe that we adore on the silver screen is also the belligerent telephone throwing nutcase. Now, I love Crowe and all, but if you’re attacking hotel staff workers for no reason, then you need to see a serious therapist….Check out Crowe’s latest incident in the Los Angeles Times article below.

Los Angeles Times: Don’t ask Robin Hood\’s Russell Crowe about wearing tights

Russell Crowe Telephone Tantrum

Anyways, a huge congratulations to Russell. Everyone can’t wait to see you in Robin Hood. Just try not to shoot any arrows at your fans please….We’ll take gold though. Schmanks! 😉

Example #3: Whitney Houston

Although Whitney has not done too much acting in recent years, everyone will always remember her starring roles in The Bodyguard, Cinderella, and Waiting to Exhale. This past year, Whitney has been on the road to a recovering music career and image, interviewing with Oprah, releasing a brand new CD titled I Look To You, and performing all over the world. Yet sadly, rumors have started up again that Ms. Houston has relapsed. Reports just last week suggested that Whitney had to cancel a few shows due to her addiction. Houston claims that she was just having respiratory problems and needed a break. Honestly, if we did not know about Houston’s “Crack is Whack!” past from before, then maybe her denials would seem more legitimate. Let us hope that our queen is not lying…I don’t think any of us could take it.

Whitney Houston: Back On Drugs?

Here’s Whitney denying her “habit” the first time.

Yeah…..hopefully, this post was not too much of a downer. Maybe one day our beautiful and dirty rich celebs will focus less on the glitz and glamor of Hollywood and more on their own lives and wellness.

**p.s. You know I could not provide the title without the video lol. Enjoy! 🙂