Celebrity Look-alikes

Today’s post is all about fun fun FUN! Instead of talking about what our fave celebs have been/are/ and will be doing, let’s play a little game called Celebrity Look-alikes.  Personally, I can’t help, but to think about the various things that people (not just celebrities) remind me of. Though my habit may seem a little weird, it definitely adds some much needed entertainment throughout the day. So, here are five celebs that have reminded me of various animals/creatures in the past.

Celeb # 1: Mark Sloan a.k.a. McSteamy

On Grey’s Anatomy, Sloan plays our favorite Dr. McSteamy, but what animal does Sloan remind me of? Well, with those piercing blue eyes, scruffy facial hair, and chiseled features, I’d have to say that Sloan is a bona fide………..

Siberian Huskie!

See the resemblance?

Celeb #2: Brad Pitt

Recently, Brad has been rocking an unusual amount of facial hair. Although he can honestly pull off anything, the hair is turning him into…………

A Schnauzer???

Celeb #3: Christina Ricci

You may know Christina as that “weird girl” growing up, seeing as though she played Wednesday Addams  in The Addams Family movie and Kat in Casper. However, Ricci with the enormous eyes has always reminded me of one animal in particular……

…A Lemur


Celeb #4: Reggie Miller

Honestly, Reggie Miller used to terrify me as a child. Not saying anything about what he actually looks like, it’s just that….well….he kind of reminded me of this creature from Star Trek…..

I’m so sad I couldn’t find a bigger pic, but you see what I mean right? If you know what the actual name of this guy is, please tell me.

Celeb #5: Tyra Banks

Now. Now. I know what you’re thinking. I would just like to say that this entire blog post is all in good fun. I heart Tyra. She brings me so much entertainment through her Tyra Show and America’s Next Top Model. However, when I saw this picture, this was the first thing to come to mind……

Greetings? lol

**I know Tyra could care less about what a little blog has to say. She’s a beautiful and talented woman, who’s made millions as  a model, entertainer, producer, talk show host, etc. It’s all in good fun.

p.s. The next time you watch one of your fave celebs, you should stop and think about what/who they remind you of. You’d be surprise by the things that you would come up with. As for me, I heart all of my celebrity look alike participants, but trust me they’re not alone. We all look like something. I wonder what I would be compared to….. 😉  Any thoughts?

About binabona
Hello! My name's Bina. I tried the whole blogging game a while back when I wanted to do film reviews, but now I realize that blogging can be so much more than that. I love giving an opinion, and discovering new things to write about. I hope that people enjoy reading the topics that I write about. That's all I really want. :-)

One Response to Celebrity Look-alikes

  1. Atha says:

    bahahahaha i LOVE this post. you are a meanie haha

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